
From Argentina

Welcome to the XVI ISBCW

Welcome to the XVI International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds and the beautiful Iguazú falls!

This world heritage site constitutes the largest protected remnants of the Alto Paraná Atlantic Forest, with over 2000 species of plants, 400 species of birds, as many as 80 mammals, and countless fungi and invertebrate species!


The South American continent is particularly vulnerable to the threats posed by invasive species, many of which are invasive plants. In addition, South America hosted pioneer initiatives in classical weed biological control in the 1950s-1970s, and has been a major source of weed biological control agents. However, the ISBCW has never been hosted on this continent.


This historic occasion offers a unique opportunity to gather weed biocontrol researchers and practitioners from all over the world in Argentina, to share experiences and novelties of weed biological control and to discuss the way forward for the discipline.


One of the desired outcomes of this symposium will be closer ties between South America and the rest of the international weed biocontrol community, enabling new opportunities for collaboration. We also hope it will stimulate a re-launch of the discipline of weed biological control on the continent.

Organising committee:

Cabrera Walsh, Guillermo (Chair). FuEDEI – Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas, AR.


Anderson, Freda (Vice-chair). CERZOS – Centro Recursos Naturales Renovables De La Zona Semiárida, CONICET-UNS, AR.


Mc Kay, Fernando. FuEDEI – Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas, AR.

Sosa, Alejandro. FuEDEI – Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas, AR.


Hernández, M. Cristina. FuEDEI – Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas, AR.


Faltlhauser, Ana C. FuEDEI – Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas, AR.

Scientific committee:

Anderson, Freda. CERZOS- Centro Recursos Naturales Renovables De La Zona Semiarida, CONICET-UNS, AR.


Barreto, Robert. UFV- Universidade Federal de Viçosa, BR.


Barton, Jane. Contractor to Landcare Research, NZ.


Bourdôt, Graeme W. AgResearch, NZ.


Cabrera Walsh, Guillermo. FuEDEI- Fundación para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas, AR.


Coetzee, Julie. CBC – Centre for Biological Control, SA.


Díaz, Rodrigo. LSU – Louisiana State University, USA


Djeddour, Djami. CABI- Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International, UK.


Hernández, M. Cristina. FuEDEI- Fund. para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas, AR.


Hight, Stephen. Insects and Associates LLC, USA.


Hill, Martin. CBC – Centre for Biological Control, SA.


Hufbauer, Ruth. CSU- Colorado State University, USA.

Kumaran, Nagalingam. CSIRO – Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Org., AU.


Kwong, Raelene. DPI VICTORIA, AU.


Mc Kay, Fernando. FuEDEI- Fund. para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas, AR.


Montemayor, Sara. UNLP – Univ. de La Plata, AR.


Patterson, Iain. CBC – Centre for Biological Control, SA.


Seier, Marion. CABI- Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International, UK.


Shaw, Richard. CABI- Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International, UK.


Smith, Melissa. USDA-ARS Invasive Plant Research Laboratory, USA.


Sosa, Alejandro. FuEDEI- Fund. para el Estudio de Especies Invasivas, AR.


Stiers, Iris. VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE.


Vitorino, Marcelo. FURB – Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau, BR